Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pro-Tech Medical Provides CPAP Therapy For Improved Health

Most people are aware of the benefits that CPAP treatment can provide for people with sleep apnea: a better night’s sleep, more alertness and energy during the day, and an overall improvement in the quality of life. But did you know that CPAP treatment can also improve comorbidities of sleep apnea, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and obesity? The following information describes the relationship between sleep apnea and these comorbidities, and highlights the importance of treatment in gaining the full benefits of CPAP therapy.

Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

The link between sleep apnea and diabetes has been referenced in a growing number of clinical articles. Sleep apnea is very common in patients who suffer from diabetes, and people with sleep apnea have higher chances of developing insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes patients who receive treatment for their sleep apnea often have an immediate improvement in their diabetic condition. If you have diabetes and think you might have sleep apnea, talk to your doctor and find out right away. Treating sleep apnea might help you control your blood sugar levels and may lower your chances of complications, like heart disease.

High blood pressure

The National Institutes of Health lists sleep apnea as a cause of high blood pressure. Studies show that about 30% of all people with high blood pressure have sleep apnea. That number increases to 80% for people taking three or more medications to control their blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and sleep apnea, starting treatment may help you lower your levels significantly and improve your heart health.

Heart Disease

Untreated sleep apnea strains the heart and may cause it not to work properly. Left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to heart disease and heart failure. People with sleep apnea can lower their chances of developing these problems by getting treated. Sleep apnea treatment can people help control their blood pressure and improve their heart health.


Sleep apnea can increase a person's chances of stroke. In fact, studies show that more than 60% of patients who have had a stroke also have sleep apnea. Stroke patients with untreated sleep apnea may have a harder time recovering after a stroke than others do. Recovering from a stroke takes much energy and motivation, but the sleepiness that comes from sleep apnea can make it difficult for a person to follow rehabilitation programs, causing poor recovery. Stroke patients with untreated sleep apnea have higher chances of death than patients who receive treatment.


About 40% of obese people have sleep apnea. Overweight people should be particularly concerned because sleep apnea may make weight loss more difficult. The sleepiness that comes from sleep apnea may cause people to overeat, sleep more, and exercise less. Some people, as a matter of habit, will eat to "wake up" when they feel drowsy during the day. That in turn can cause them to gain more weight, which may make their sleep apnea even worse. Being treated for sleep apnea can help obese people gain the energy to exercise more and lose weight.

As you can see, CPAP therapy can do more than help you sleep well and go far beyond treating your sleep apnea if you have comorbidities such as those described above. If you remain compliant with your treatment, you are more likely to enjoy the health benefits that CPAP therapy has to offer.

For more information or to see how CPAP therapy can help you, call us today - 1-800-722-7313. Let our Respiratory Staff help you improve your life.

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