Thursday, January 10, 2008

Saturn/GM Employees Beware, Know Your Insurance Coverage


Do you work for the Saturn/GM manufacturing plant? Are you a family member of someone who does? Are you a retiree? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," there's a high probability your DME benefits are administered by a company called Northwood. The front of your card may say BC/BS or United Healthcare but your DME benefits are determined by a totally different company.

Why does this matter to you? Northwood has a select group of networked providers. Your recommending physician or healthcare provider will not always know this. They often unwittingly recommend a company that is not in your network and as a result, leave you paying an unnecessary bill.

If you want to find out your network providers, call Northwood 1-800-932-9314.

If you live in Middle Tennessee, you can call us directly to help determine your actual benefits. Pro-Tech Medical - 931-388-3766

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